Tereza Boučková


A native in Prague where she was born in 1957. After grade school she first attended a two-year business school from which she transferred to a classical grammar school.
She then wanted to continue her studies at the Drama Academy but was turned down because of political reasons. A the same time she became a signatory of the Charter 77. As a consequence, she was allowed to work only in various menial jobs prior to 1989. She lives with her husband halfly at Záhrabská, a weekend house in Svatý Jan pod Skalou, and halfly in Prague. In 1988 - 89 they adopted two Roma boys, the third son was born in 1991. 
In 2016  was Tereza Boučková honored for her involvement in resistance to comunism.

literary agent: Maria Sileny, maria@sileny.de


      Dům v Matoušově ulici     

     House in  Matoušova street
     novel, comes out in August 2024
  • 2022 Hodiny tikají, šedesát plus jeden fejeton o životě (The Clock is Ticking, sixty plus one feuilleton about Life)
  •  2020 Bhútán, má láska (Bhutan, my love)came out in May 2020
  • In 2018  Závod s časem (Race against time)
  • 2016 a novel, bestseller  Život je nádherný  (Life is wonderful
  • 2013 a book of 13 short stories Šíleně smutné povídky (Madly Sad Stories), came out in Germany,  Hungary
  •  2008  the authobiographical novel  Rok kohouta (The Year of Rooster), which became the bestseller of 2008/2009 and came out in Hungary, Egypt, Germany, Slovenia, Spain, Croatia, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy
  • 2007 was produced her stage adaptation of F.Fellini´s famous film La Strada
  •  2006 she won the First Prize for her script Zemský ráj to napohled (An Earthy Paradise of the Eyes). The script is directed by Irena Pavlásková (opening 17th of November 2009)

  • 2002 wrote the script for a film directed by Zdeněk Tyc and titled Smradi (Brats) 2

  • Křepelice (The Quail Hen,) 1993, Když milujete muže (Loving a Man), 1995, came out in Hungary

  • 1990 she won the Jiří Orten Prize for her prose titled Indiánský běh (Indian Run) which came out in Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Italy